• 21 марта 2019, четверг
  • Москва

Psychology For Creativity And Performance

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1884 дня назад
21 марта 2019 c 20:00 до 22:00

A lecture on how performers can use psychological principles to unlock their true potential.

We are so happy to have Dr. Ronald Harvey join us to present his lecture Psychology for Creativity and Performance.
Researchers on creativity have found that there are certain principles that can help performers realise their potential. This short lecture will describe and give you the tools to apply three distinct principles that can make you a better stage performer.  

Alongside the lecture, there will be demonstrations and practical tips with a focus on group creativity and performance in general.

Ronald Harvey is a professor of psychology at the American University in Bulgaria and completed training programs in improv comedy from iO Chicago, Annoyance Theater, CiC Theater, and Second City Chicago. He is a teacher of long-form improv in association with ShiziPro Improv in Sofia, Bulgaria, and is the faculty co-sponsor and teacher of the improv club at AUBG, the first university-based improv group in the Balkans.


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